Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Session2 activity: Exploring success in innovations

Rayson say:
Exploring success in innovations
According to Joyce Wycoff's 'Big 10 Innovation Killers', it can summarize the above 'killer' factors make the innovation unsuccessfully. If it want to success innovation, it should prevents the above elements occur. She points out 'Culture', 'Ownership', 'Process', 'Resources', 'Strategy', 'Fuzzy front-end', 'Diversity', 'Criteria and metric', 'Training' and 'Idea management', First of all, culture is important for innovation. A success company culture can let all the employee concentrate on one product/thing 'innovation', the working environment and the in-house design of a company also are the 'Culture' part to benefit on the innovation 'Process' and 'Strategy'. A good working atmosphere is a basic 'Criteria and metrices' can let the people easy to brainstorming for 'Fuzzy front-end'.

Then, on the 'Ownership', it explores me to think the intellectual property problem to affect the personal idea has stolen. Because nowadays, Hong Kong people are still weak on the copyright concept. The idea stealing are series barrier to affect the creative idea. People are still easy to get the software, books and other resources by using peep-to-peer sharing software such as BT and other 'download accelerator' software. It affects the intention of creativity about song composer, screenwriter, software developer and designer since their intellectual property has become public-sharing! The creative workers are lose confidence to the social culture when this 'free-downloading' activity occurs.

Moreover, this is a money-oriented world. Money-driven is the main purpose to the company, organization and enterprise. The boss always want get 'instant-money'. They need the revenue immediately. However, they want to cut the budget, cut the research and development (R&D) time for their product life-cycle. This can affect the quality of innovation also! Because the innovated product and invention need time, idea and capital. Reduce time and money can direct influence the innovation. I think this should be Joyce Wycoff's 'Resource' not enough problem to affect the 'Strategy', 'Process' and 'Idea management'.

Eventually, the staff 'Training' and product 'Diversify' are needed. Not enough training will let not enough knowledge and experience to generate a new idea. The product diversified is important, it cannot concentrate on one product's success. Such like Apple, their products are not sticking on one product, it covers a wide-range product line includes music player, tablet, laptop and mobile!

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