Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Session3 activity: Analyzing teacher roles in innovative classroom

Rayson said:
Analyzing teacher roles in innovative classroom

On the above 13 teacher's pedagogical roles, it  realizes that some are internal role who performs it inside the classroom-based. Some roles are external role that the teacher or the instructor performs outside the class. The external roles include the curriculum development, educational administration and school counselling work. But the class is a e-class, online learning and e-learning approach, there has only virtual campus. The teaching role (internal role above) become redundant and maybe vanished! Moreover, classroom usage and teacher's classroom duties can reduce. The teacher's role is completely changed. Their role maybe Q&A online to answer the student's question and give feedback on chat room, email or SMS/MMS. The advantage of innovative ICT can assist teacher to reduce their workload and can save much spare time when the online learning or e-class can fully occupy the class role of the them. However, the drawback is if this virtual learning can fully occupy for the teacher's role. The teacher's role may become a 'phase out' job title! This is a weakness or disadvantage for the teacher's role.  Moreover, when this technology become mature. That something like 'virtual teacher' this technology come out, the student just 'input their question on the system' and 'can get the answer/ feedback immediately'. Furthermore, the student just ask the question to a 'Robot' teacher in front of them and this machine teacher can answer them, coach them and lead them. The 'real' teacher become useless. The 'robot' teacher or answering teaching machine, they are innovation and creative, they are fully used the AI (artificial intelligence). When innovative educational technology become sophisticated, it remains only the document work and administration work for the teacher. In the future, the innovative ICT on education maybe a bonus to teacher's role but is also a nightmare to teacher!


  1. It is interesting to discuss whether ICT or 'robot' teacher can eventually takes over the teachers' role.

    In my opinion, teachers still have their role in schools. I don't think innovative ICT can replace teachers eventually.

    One important thing that teachers can offer is the teaching of social skills (soft skills). Computers, or software programs, are useful if the task can be 'programmed' with logic. However, computers are not human - it does not have emotion, it does not know the way to cooperate. It cannot teach 'soft skills'.

    Nevertheless, I believe teenagers nowadays lack the social communication skills. If being taught by computers, I am afraid people in the future will not know how to cooperate and communicate....

  2. Actually, even now when meeting any difficulties, students can search the answer online and get it immediately, rather than send a mail to a teacher and wait for a long period.
    However, I don't think the role of teacher will be threatened by "Robot" teacher. Obviously, providing knowledge and answers is no longer satisfactory in today's society. To encourage students to learn by themselves and well organize the class may be more important task.

  3. No, my meaning is not 'search the answer' on web. I mean just give the question to the machine and give you the model answer or marking answer (the exact answer of the question)!
